Friday, 16 August 2013

Charlemont Homes Refit, we told you so, years ago

Finally the council is moving and upgrading the remaining tower blocks in Beaconview Road , starting with Sheapcote House

Its taken a long while but your local Conservatives  told you years ago the council had some money. 

You may have also noticed The Conservative led Government has given Labour controlled 
Sandwell Council £millions,  to start building homes for our people after they  felt so sorry for our local people after Labour Bulldozed  1000 of homes and left the land to be covered in 
weed and rat infested rubbish for years in the failed Labour pathfinder programme.

                 Read this about what Labour did 
                     to your homes in Sandwell.
                           Careful, its disgusting 

Link to insidehousing demolition

This was the site of a number of maisonettes

Yes the Labour fools were knocking down homes 
while the population was increasing 
The Last Labour Government actually paid this bunch to demolish your homes 
We Conservatives had to put that mess right 


Remember this Man ?

Remind me have you seen your Councillors ?? 

1 comment:

  1. labour get one councillor and turn the farm into a dog hole
