Saturday 20 April 2013

West Bromwich High Street

Only a few years ago West Bromwich High Street was called the golden mile,
 now after years of Labour control our once famous high street is famous again 

Your local Conservatives asked Labour to Cancel all parking charges
OPEN UP the high street to vehicles allowing buses and taxi's and Blue badge holder to Shop
Did Labour Listen ?
Labour's latest cunning plan to rejuvenate West Bromwich is to
Raise car parking fees to £4 a day

Spend another fortune relaying the pedestrianised road again
Well Done Labour

Does this looks like a typical Labour success?
No one shopping 

Labour wouldn’t listen and have giver you a beautifully paved high street
both week day photos taken a 2.00 O'clock
you can walk along this lovely re-paved area totally uninterrupted 
looking at the rows of empty shops and no shoppers
Is this a disaster in the making?
Blogger  said

What is Labour doing to YOU ?

Lets look at Labour's previous successes

Children’s Services

Bulldozing homes

Bulldozing Schools

appalling Ofsted result

Lack of Respect at the funeral of Margaret Thatcher

Who made these Choices in Sandwell Council ?
Well this is a Labour run Council does that give you a clue ?

Labour have you ever considered shops are empty because no one can get to them
and West Bromwich has an ageing population

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